Creating Forms

TeamWave allows you to customise Forms based on your requirements and sends all the information submitted on forms to your TeamWave account as Deals, Contacts and Organisations. You can add fields, change fonts and colours to match your requirements and branding. Learn more about TeamWav e Forms.

Let's see how to create forms on TeamWave.

Creating Forms

  1. Navigate to CRM
  2. Select Forms from CRM navigation bar
  3. Click on Create Formitor & Settings


  1. You need to select Owner, Pipeline and Stage for the form. All the information submitted on the Form will be saved as a Deal in that selected pipeline and stage. Contact and Organisation will be saved under the ownership of the selected User/ employee.
  2. Tags: Select CRM tags which you want to be saved for the deals/contacts/organisation. All the tags selected will be saved on Deals & Contact/Organisation created from the Form.
  3. Prefix & Suffix: Any text saved to Prefix and Suffix fields in Forms will be added to the Deal name and Contact/Organisation name created from Forms. It will help you differentiate Deals and Contacts created from Forms with others.
  4. Email Notification: Add emails to this field you get notified when that is submitted. You can add any num of emails and get notified.


  1. Introduction Header and Message: This will be the Heading and Intro message for the form you are creating
  2. Add Fields: 
    a. Select Add New field fields button and choose from Person / Deal / Organisation / Note to add the new field. 
    b. Then select from the custom field available.
    c. Edit the Label and Place holder
    d. Select Required check box to make that field mandatory.
  3. Success Message: This will appear when a customer submits the form. 

Preview and Edit theme:

You can customise every Font and Colour in the form from the options available in the left menu.

Click on Save button.

Note: You need CRM Admin rights to perform this action.

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