Adding New Goals
Setting Goals for your Sales team will help them perform better and track their sales performance. Learn more about Goals.
Adding a Goal
Only account owner and CRM Admin can add and assign Goals themselves and your Team members from Goals Tabs.
- Navigate to CRM Module
- Click on Goals Tab (Ref 1.1)
- Click on Add Goal button
- Select the type of Goal (Ref 1.2)
- Enter details like User, Pipeline/Stage, Period, Expected, Currency and Close date. (See reference & Ref 1.2)
- Click on Save.
- User refers to the employee this goal will be assigned
- Stage refers to which stage deals should be moved to
- Expected refers to no. of deals advanced/won
- Period refers to the time frame of the Goal
- Start date refers to the date from when the Goal should be active
Ref 1.1
Ref 1.2
Team members will only have access to their Goals whereas CRM admins and Account owner can view every Goal in the Organisation. All the details of a Goal can be viewed from Goal details page by clicking on the Details in Goals tab.
- Only the account owner and CRM Admin can add Goals to their team.
- Also see How to edit Goals
- Who can see a Goal