Available Custom Fields types

TeamWave offers different custom fields for different data sets of your need. It includes text, dropdown, large text, radio, checkbox and date. You can select the appropriate custom type for your custom fields. Learn How to add custom fields.

Text: For small words/names

Large Text: For long texts. Ex: Description

Date: For dates. Format: DD-MM-YYYY (ISO 8601 Format)

Numerical: For numerical values

Select: Multi-valued dropdown (string values should be separated by comma (,) or pipe (|) )


Multi-valued radio button (string values should be separated by a comma (,) or pipe (|) ). You can only select one value using Radio field.


Multi-valued checkbox with string values separated by a comma (,) or pipe (|). With the checkbox field, you can select multiple options.


This field enables you to save monetary values in your chosen currency


This field remembers the data entered in this custom field for other deals/contacts and will automatically suggest previously entered data.

Date range

You can select a date range with this field type.


This field can be used to save the address. It even shows ups the location in the app. (Ref 1 & 2)
Ref 1

Ref 2


This field is used to add multiple phone numbers for a section.

Learn how to add custom fields.

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