Filtering in CRM

Filters will help you narrow down your results by Status of a Deal (Won/Lost/Open) or Deal owner or both in Deals page and by Contact owner in the Contacts page.

Custom Filters

You can also create custom filters to match your requirements or a set of conditions in Deals, People and Organisations page. So, you can mix different set of fields and define a filter to see what exactly you want to see in your CRM.

For example, you can define conditions like these to see specific and exact results:

  • All the deals in a specific stage of a pipeline which has no activities scheduled.
  • Deals with the deal value less than 250 USD and greater than 25000 USD
  • People who are not associated with an open deal.
  • All the deals from Australia whose deal values is less than 2000 USD which are led by one of your employees.

Creating new filters

  1. Go to list view of Deals, People or Organisations page you would like to filter.
  2. Click on the Filters button.
  3. Select Add new filter to create a new filter. (Ref Pic 1.1)
  4. Click on Add condition to add conditions for your filter. (Ref Pic 1.2)
  5. You can set a name for the filter you have defined.
  6. Then set the visibility for you filter among Public and Private. (Ref Pic 1.3)
  7. Click on Save.

Pic 1.1

Pic 1.2

Pic 1.3

Filtering Conditions

Using ALL and ANY conditions you can define any filtering condition as per your requirement.

  1. ALL conditions: If you want a filter where it should satisfy all the defined conditions, then you can add all those conditions in ALL.
  2. ANY conditions: If you want a filter where it should satisfy at least any of the defined conditions, then you can add all those conditions in ANY.
  3. You can also define filters using both ALL & ANY Conditions. Here the result will be common results of both AND & ANY. Which means, it will satisfy both the set of results of ALL & ANY conditions.

Editing existing filter

  1. Click on Filters button
  2. Click on Edit icon on that filter you would like to edit.
  3. Configure new conditions for a new filter
  4. Change the name of the filter if you wish to change its name.
  5. Click on Save.


  • You can set filters as favourites by clicking on Star icon.
  • You can choose a filter to be Public or private in the Visibility section.
  • For all private filters, a lock icon will be shown next to the name of the filter.
  • Only CRM Admin users can use the Filter by Owner feature

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