Filtering in CRM
Filters will help you narrow down your results by Status of a Deal (Won/Lost/Open) or Deal owner or both in Deals page and by Contact owner in the Contacts page.
Custom Filters
You can also create custom filters to match your requirements or a set of conditions in Deals, People and Organisations page. So, you can mix different set of fields and define a filter to see what exactly you want to see in your CRM.
For example, you can define conditions like these to see specific and exact results:
- All the deals in a specific stage of a pipeline which has no activities scheduled.
- Deals with the deal value less than 250 USD and greater than 25000 USD
- People who are not associated with an open deal.
- All the deals from Australia whose deal values is less than 2000 USD which are led by one of your employees.
Creating new filters
- Go to list view of Deals, People or Organisations page you would like to filter.
- Click on the Filters button.
- Select Add new filter to create a new filter. (Ref Pic 1.1)
- Click on Add condition to add conditions for your filter. (Ref Pic 1.2)
- You can set a name for the filter you have defined.
- Then set the visibility for you filter among Public and Private. (Ref Pic 1.3)
- Click on Save.
Pic 1.1
Pic 1.2
Pic 1.3
Filtering Conditions
Using ALL and ANY conditions you can define any filtering condition as per your requirement.
- ALL conditions: If you want a filter where it should satisfy all the defined conditions, then you can add all those conditions in ALL.
- ANY conditions: If you want a filter where it should satisfy at least any of the defined conditions, then you can add all those conditions in ANY.
- You can also define filters using both ALL & ANY Conditions. Here the result will be common results of both AND & ANY. Which means, it will satisfy both the set of results of ALL & ANY conditions.
Editing existing filter
- Click on Filters button
- Click on Edit icon on that filter you would like to edit.
- Configure new conditions for a new filter
- Change the name of the filter if you wish to change its name.
- Click on Save.
- You can set filters as favourites by clicking on Star icon.
- You can choose a filter to be Public or private in the Visibility section.
- For all private filters, a lock icon will be shown next to the name of the filter.
- Only CRM Admin users can use the Filter by Owner feature