Updating Person details

You can change the details of Person like Name, Job title and Custom Fields or update them from the Contacts section in CRM Module. 

From the Person Detail page

  1. Navigate to CRM Application
  2. Click on Contacts tab on Navigation tab
  3. Select People tab
  4. Then click on the contact you want to edit/update
  5. In Contact details page, click on edit icon of custom fields
  6. Enter the changes and click on Save. 

From  the Person  list view page

Alternatively, You can also change person details like Name, Mobile number, Owner, Job Title and Organisation right from the person list view.

  1. Navigate to CRM Application
  2. Click on Contacts tab on Navigation tab
  3. Select People
  4. Then click on the edit icon on the field you want to edit/update
  5. Enter the changes you want to make
  6. Then click on Save


  1. You need to have access to Contacts section in CRM Application to perform above action.

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