Repeating tasks

Efficiently manage recurring tasks in TeamWave with the Repeat Task feature. Ideal for tasks that need to be performed daily, weekly, or monthly, this functionality automates the creation of subsequent tasks, ensuring consistency and saving time.

Setting Up a Repeated Task:
  • Start by navigating to the 'Tasks' tab within your project.
  • Identify and open the task you wish to set as recurring.
  • Click on the three dots (more options) located in the top right corner of the menu.

Configuring Repeat Settings: From the dropdown menu, select 'Repeat.' A dialog box will appear, prompting you to enter details such as frequency (weekly, monthly) and the time the task should repeat.

  • After entering the repeat details, click 'Save' to activate the repeat function for the selected task.
To remove a repeated task:
  • Within your project, go to the 'Tasks' tab and click on the task you want to stop repeating.
  • Click on the three dots in the top right menu of the task interface.
  • Choose 'Repeat' from the dropdown menu, then select 'Remove' to cancel the task's repeating status.

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